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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Please Evict all of the Big Brother Cast Members Already!

For those of you who complain about Time Warner Cable having poor service, or DirectTV going out in the middle of a thunderstorm...consider yourselves lucky, at least you have decent channels. There are 300 channels in my cable line-up. Out of the 300, only about 25 actually work, out of the 25, 10 or so are all about live text messaging. I know, it's strange, but somehow they have managed to set-up a number where people who are trying to meet other people, can send a text message, and yes, you guessed it, it shows up live on the screen!...

The channels that actually work only come on during certain times of the day...some are only active between 8 and 5, 5 till midnight..etc.

Here, there is no such thing as primetime and there is one channel fully dedicated to Big Brother. Basically, the cameras in the Big Brother house are live and rolling for 24 hours and you can actually see what any of the cast members are doing at any point in time. I guess it's kind of better than the US reality shows since it is not scripted, but it does get old after a while.

The other channels are kind of lame and include things like the British QVC,  the BBC news, Sky Sports (which never actually show any sports, but commercials). I actually get very excited when I can see Friends since it's the only TV show I actually find funny.

One day I got smart and decided to log-on to USANetwork.com to catch some Burn Notice episodes. I later learned they were a step ahead of me since the error message on the screen said that I couldn't play these videos from my overseas location.

The lack of TV has actually motivated to go explore the city more, which is a good thing. I am also using my spare time to read more and to work out. (clearly not at Virgin Active...but in my apt).

Oh, and by the way, the chicken with piri piri was amazing !...it's basically a chicken breast with a spicy marinade...good stuff.


  1. I loved their weathermen and women for that matter. They always seem quite chipper - given perhaps their dreary climate - but you are right, the tellie was rather rubbish over there.

    Loving your posts man, seriously it's as if we're back in high school and you always - graciously mind you - , letting us know when we had a bad hair day.

  2. p.s. Nora Roberts has two books out... :)

  3. Jorge - at least you're getting to know the city which will come in handy when we visit...you'll know all the places to go. And since Steve won't be around to do the cooking, that chicken piri piri will do just fine.
