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Thursday, September 9, 2010

The New Apartment

The new apartment, although smaller...is Perfect !

This place is the epitome of convenience.

Commute to work: one minute (yes, I timed it)
Trip to the gym: four minutes
Trip to the train station: 1 minute (this station connects to 5 different train lines).

and yes...all that is walking...

Although the apartment is a bit smaller, it still has the same accommodations as the old one. Still have DVD player, cable, all appliances, wireless internet, stereo (big plus?), pots, pans, phone...etc,

The maid service also continues to be exceptional. She makes the bed, takes out the trash, does the dishes, straightens up the place, and cleans. (It would be great if she could iron, but maybe that's too much to ask)...

And best of all, I also have a pub on the first floor. The place is named The Walrus and the Carpenter after a Lewis Carroll poem...The place is always jam packed after work...even on Mondays. They don't have any drink specials or anything, but they do have a good selection of local brews and your regular stuff (and when I say regular, I mean Italian, English, Scottish, German, Polish and Czech beers....I've yet to see a place that sells any of the Bud/Miller/Coors brands)

Looking fwd to all those visits so you guys can also enjoy the pleasures of corporate housing....

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